Our mission and values
Faithfully sharing the message and love of Jesus, as one body in Christ through evangelism, service, worship, fellowship and discipleship.
We believe that Christians have a responsibility to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all the world. Since all men sin, and since Jesus is the only way to the Father, it is imperative for those who know Jesus to spread the gospel to all men and women.
Matthew 28:18-20 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 Romans 3:10ff John 14:6
The life of Jesus was one of service, and Christians, as they are being conformed into the image of Christ, should likewise serve one another.
Man is created to worship God. All that we are and have is given to us by God, and we find the fullest expression of who we were created to be when we worship, praise, honor, and glorify Him in all that we think, say, and do.
Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew 16:18). The word “Church” is translated from the Greek word ekklesia, meaning “assembly.” God desires not just that His creation worship Him, but that they do so as part of an assembly of like-minded Christians.
Jesus commanded not just that his followers share his message, but that they create more disciples to follow Him (Matthew 28:18-20). Part of our mission at FCC Kittery Point is to encourage others to follow Jesus more closely by taking practical next-steps in their walk with Him.